Sunday, July 24, 2016

How to respond to a Busted Pipe

What to do while waiting for the Plumber to arrive

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What should be done while waiting for professional help to arrive. (Photo Credits) 

While calling for a plumber should be the initial reaction of any property owner whose pipes have busted, his or her initial actions while waiting for professional help to arrive can help minimize the damage brought forth by the incident.

The Desperate Houselife reminds homeowners too ensure the safety of the whole family whilst waiting for the emergency plumber. Residential Plumber Chula Vista

“Turn your electric off. The next thing you need to do involves cutting the power to your home. With so much water around, your family are at risk. Presuming your wirings are damp, it is possible for them to suffer a bad electrocution. You should always turn the power off until a trained professional tells you otherwise. “

Read the rest of the post here.

Do not forget the obvious

The Hadley Insurit Group also reminds property owners to not forget the first obvious thing to do when faced with a broken pipe.
“Shut off your water and potentially your electricity. If a pipe bursts in your home, the first thing you should do is turn off your water to minimize flooding damage. Every homeowner should know where the main water valve is. Find it and shut it off immediately! If necessary, you should also turn off electricity to the areas of your home where the flooding is occurring. If you are living in an apartment and do not have access to the building’s water supply or electric services, call your landlord or building manager as soon as you notice a problem.”

Check out the rest of the article here.

Checklist of things to do

Northwards Housing also shared a mini-cheklist of things to do upon discovering a busted pipe, especially which occured because of freezing.

“(1) Turn the water off at the stopcock and switch off any water heaters. (2) Turn on all your taps to drain the rest of the water. (3) If electric fittings are wet don’t touch them and turn off the electricity at the meter. (4) If any ceilings start to bulge, pierce a small hole to release the water. Remember to put a bucket beneath to catch it.”

Take a look at the whole post here.

Calling for plumbing help will be easier if a homeowner already has at hand the contact information of an emergency plumbing contractor in the area.

How to prevent Plumbing Problems during a Vacation

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